Online Music Theory: Explore the Fundamentals of Music

Are you looking to explore the fundamentals of music or want to cement your already profound knowledge in an easy and accessible way? In my book "Nahre Sol's Elements of Music", I provide an introduction to music theory for beginners, as well as more comprehensive instruction for experienced music makers. Together with my online lessons, you can learn the basics of notation, music modes, and other music fundamentals in a multimedia way. Whatever your skill level, My goal is to help you understand the fundamentals of music better.

Introduction to Online Music Theory with Nahre Sol

When I'm talking about music theory, I am actually referring to practices that are anything but theoretical. That is because to me, music "theory" is the study of the elements and structures of music, including scales, rhythm, harmony, and more - all of which are some of the most practical concepts there are. Theory always follows what we hear and find fascinating, not the other way around. It is the theoretical foundation of practical music making, and it is essential to understanding the ways in which music is composed, performed, and appreciated. It is also the entry point to further musical studies such as ear training like solfege. Music is a vast and only on the outside a complex looking field, but it is also the key to unlocking the secrets of music - and once you do, it's as easy as speaking your native language. Many free online courses about music theory can be difficult to follow and lack the personalized instruction of in-person lessons. I hope with the systems that I've developed (and got very positive feedback on from my more than 500.000 subscribers on YouTube) I can show you a playful and very easy way to really grasp the concepts of music (theory).


Notation and Music Terminology

In "Nahre Sol's Elements of Music", I am teaching the basics of notation and music terminology. You’ll learn about the different symbols used in music notation and explore basic music terminologies such as tempo, dynamics, and key signatures. I'll walk you through the fundamentals of time signatures, and discuss the basics of chord progressions, cadences, and more. These lessons provide an interactive and engaging way to learn the fundamentals of notation and music terminology and give you the tools you need to start creating music.


A small excerpt from how I teach “Ties and Slurs”


Introduction to Rhythm

Rhythm is the foundation of music - and getting it right is key to making music come alive. In my book, I'll help you understand the basics of rhythm, including meter, syncopation, and note values. We'll explore different types of rhythmic patterns, discuss the difference between simple and compound meters, and learn to recognize and notate various patterns of syncopation. You'll also learn the fundamentals of counting rhythmic patterns and practice clapping and tapping various rhythmic exercises. By the end of the book, you'll have the knowledge and skills to confidently read, write, and perform not only basic rhythms, but also understanding how to read any kind of rhythm with a bit more ease.


A rhythm exercise that helps you differentiate and navigate easily in and out of triplets.


Introduction to Melodic and Harmonic Concepts

In "Nahre Sol's Elements of Music", we will go in-depth into the fundamentals of melody and harmony. We'll take a look at intervals, melodic structure, and discuss how to apply these concepts to your music. My way is to provide you with an in-depth look at melodic but also harmonic elements. With exercises and examples, I have tried my best to not only make it educative but also fun and entertaining to learn more about music while also broadening your own musical catalog.


An excerpt from my book, showing how harmonic principles apply to even the most easiest pieces of music.


Modes and Scales

The basics of scales and modes are essential for any musician - but not in a way it' is often propagated in traditional (music) schools. In "Nahre Sol's Elements of Music", we'll dive into the different types of scales and modes and help you understand how to actually use and understand them in your music. We'll review much more than just the major, minor, and modal scales. I wrote the principles down that gave me the ability to confidently create music using various modes and scales without thinking about them as such in an overly abstract way.


Exploring how to think of modes and scales - thinking in Key Signatures is just one way of many


Become more Comfortable as a Holistic Musician, Using Accompanying Exclusive Videos

With an understanding of the fundamentals of music, you'll be able to create your own compositions, express yourself creatively, and become a more informed listener and performer. Alongside the book, I have created videos that make you see and listen to what you are reading - a key essential part that is a big flaw in most “traditional” textbooks if you ask me. The videos are integrated natively into the text and I tried my best to make them as useful as possible

Other Questions I Get Asked Frequently about Music Learning-Related Topics

How can I learn music theory online?

Learning music theory online might be easier than you think. I've put out much content on my website and YouTube channel which offers comprehensive, step-by-step instructions on all aspects of music making and theory. There are many resources, such as videos, articles, and tutorials, that can help you get started with music theory in general, but it is very hard to find the right and appropriate materials. I tried to condense everything down into "Nahre Sol's Elements of Music" so that I hopefully achieve my goal that you can become a music expert in less time than if you'd try to get certificates at universities.

What techniques can I use to memorize music theory concepts?

There are several techniques you can use to memorize music theory concepts. First, you can use repetition to help you memorize. As you see above, I’m a big believer in exercises that let you repeat what you have learned, that’s why there are many of them in the “Elements of Music”. Repeating concepts to yourself or writing them out multiple times can help them become ingrained in your memory. You could also try creating visual aids or diagrams next to the ones provided in the book to help reinforce concepts. Another helpful technique is to use mnemonic devices, such as making up rhymes or acronyms to help you remember the material. Finally, listening to the concepts being discussed can be a great way to help internalize the concepts.

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