7 Essential Physical Therapy Tools I Use Daily

Over the past 3 years or so, I’ve dealt with a few more injuries and physical pain issues than usual. Some were random accidents that caused muscle/ligament tear, and some were caused by sudden overuse or poor management of lifestyle accompanied with irregular bouts of practicing and/or performing.

Through multiple visits to physical therapists, I’ve gathered quite a few things I now use on a regular basis to maintain a relatively low-injury state that allows me to continue working and practicing without much problem. However, injury prevention and physical management is an ongoing process and needs to be addressed everyday, especially in my case. Whenever I am a bit overworked, the first areas I feel pain are in the spots I had previous injuries.

Here’s a video covering the 7 items I rotate around to use as part of my daily physical therapy work. I try to get in about 15-30 min of self-massage and stretching each night. Sometimes this is extended to 40 min.

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