Practicing Again After a Hiatus...

I think the hardest part of getting back into a routine can be overcome in a matter of minutes, maybe even seconds. I’m referring to the friction that keeps us from going to our instrument and sitting down when we know how much “catching up” we need to do to not feel rusty. Maybe some of you don’t experience this… For me, once I’m at a keyboard, the workflow is extremely smooth from there. But during periods where I get so detached from actual consistent practicing, there is SO much friction. During the past few months, what contributed to more to this was my time away from an acoustic piano. With so much traveling and my living setup in NYC, access to an acoustic piano has been tough. Is it an excuse not to stick with a consistent practice routine when I have a digital keyboard handy though? No…

With all of that being said, however, I think it’s best not to overthink things and just keep it real. If life doesn’t permit a certain activity, it’s best to just go with the flow. If rest is needed, it’s best to take it. If a little bit of discipline has to be enforced to initiate momentum, it’s best to do that as well.

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